

1. Can anyone else drive the rental car other than me?:

You are permitted to assign only one additional driver at a fee of 100AED

2. Are insurance charges part of the car rental price?:

All vehicles are insured in France, in case of any accident or damage to the vehicle, a police report is mandatory.

In case of the absence of a police report: You will have to personally cover the complete repair expenses.

In case the police report is obtained and is red: A minimum insurance excess claim charges are applicable with an amount starting at 1500 AED.

In case the police report is obtained and is green: No amount is issued.

Fast Track recommends paying for premium full insurance, which covers everything. Please refer to Fast Track for more info.

3. What are the payment methods for car rental services?:

You can pay by cash, credit card (we accept Visa or MasterCard), or Bank transfer.

A held amount (depending on the car’s type) on the credit card is applied during the rental period.

4. Is there any mileage limit for the rented cars?:

All customers are allowed to drive 250 km/day for daily rentals, 1250 km/week for weekly rentals, and 5000 km/month for monthly rentals. Any additional kilometers will be charged at a rate of 0.50 AED/km for the economy and intermediate cars. Please contact us for mileage limits on luxury cars.

Please note: that the vehicles are to be returned with the same fuel level as when it was hired; otherwise, the customer will be charged for the difference. The vehicle should be also clean from the inside and outside.

If the fuel level or hygiene standards are not met, you should pay for the cleaning service, fuel refill, or any damage that might happen to the vehicle.

5. What are the steps for returning a car to Fast Track?:

You should personally hand it over to one of Fast Track’s personnel. They will then do a complete checkup to rule out any damage. If the vehicle is in a car accident, you should submit the police report and all supporting documents. Any fees, fines, or Salik tolls must be paid before handing over the car. Once everything is cleared up, the car can be returned.

6. What is the age to rent a car in France?:

You should be 23 years old and above and hold a driving license for over 6 months.

7. What should I do if a breakdown or an accident occurs?:

You are required to obtain a police report on the spot and then contact Fast Track via the hotline so that the vehicle could be replaced by our team. Our experts are available 24 hours and at your service.

8. What are the guidelines for driving a car in France?:

There are a couple of rules that you’ll need to stick to when renting a car in the France

1- Always pay for parking in public and private places.

2- Don’t cross the speed limit because you will get a fine from the state.

3- The driver should be 23 years old and above, and should hold the driving license for more than 6 months. If not, each case will be covered independently.

Please contact us for more details.

4- Car seatbelts are mandatory for all passengers.

5- Don’t use your phone while driving your automobile because your mobile will distract you.

6- If you had an accident, always call the police to write a report. They will help you.

7- Don’t ignore the traffic lights, or else you will get a big fine from the state along with other restrictive actions.

8- Vehicles are prohibited to be driven under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Emergency road services are available, please enquire at the counter.

Follow these instructions and relish a satisfying vacation in the France with Fast Track!

9. Who pays for parking a rented car?:

You'll need to pay the fees if you’re attending to park your rental car. If you didn’t, you will have to pay a fine when the car is returned. This means it’s always better to pay it as soon as possible.

10. Do I have to pay a security deposit?:

A security deposit starting 5000 AED for luxury cars will be retained for 30 days.

11. Why do I need a credit card for car rentals?:

Credit cards are mandatory for security deposits. We accept Visa or MasterCard credit. The blocked amount is issued on credit cards and not on debit cards

12. When will Fast Track refund the blocked amount to my credit card?:

The security deposit is not charged to the card so there is no actual refund. However, it can take up to 30 days (or fewer, depending on the card provider or bank) for the block to be lifted. After that, the customer can use the blocked amount again.

13. Will the credit card statement show the return of my security deposit?:

You might get a message from your bank when the money is blocked. The blocked amount won’t be debited from the account, however. You will only see actual charges on your credit card statements.

14. What about traffic violations?:

Fast Track strongly urges all customers to follow the traffic regulations for personal and public safety and to ensure that they adhere to the law.

The most common traffic fines reported in the country include:

1. Exceeding the speed limit

2. Failure to pay for parking

3. Poor lane discipline

4. Not following traffic signals

5. Failure to wear seat belts

6. Using the phone while driving

7. Drinking

15. Can a Fast Track car be used for towing a trailer or caravan?:

All vehicles are prohibited to be used for racing, towing and off-road driving, or any other activities considered against the UAE law. Towing is a violation of the rental agreement and is not permitted under any circumstances.

16. How can I locate the nearest Fast Track office?:

You can know about our location by clicking the “Contact” tab. Alternatively, we are available for any questions or inquiries on our number. 

17. Can I pick up the vehicle at one location and drop it off at another?:

Pickups and Drop-offs within Dubai are free. For the other Emirates, you will be charged. Please consult the counter staff.

18. Can I drive my Fast Track vehicle off-road?:

No. Off-road use is a violation of the rental agreement and is strictly forbidden.

19. Can I extend the rental period beyond the initial booking?:

Absolutely! You are free to extend your rental period anytime during the rental period. The extra renting days will be added to the overall rental fee. Please contact us beforehand so that the operation can run smoothly and hassle-free. at the pick-up location.

20. If a customer has full insurance, do they still need a police report if the vehicle is damaged?:

Yes. Police reports are mandatory in all cases.

21. Do I need to notify Fast Track if a booking has been made but travel plans have been changed?:

Yes, please make sure that bookings are modified if travel plans change. For this scenario, additional charges may apply. If the original vehicle pick-up schedule is altered or canceled, please make sure that the booking is canceled with adequate notice to avoid any cancellation or no-show penalties. In case of cancellation before the renting period, the full amount will be charged.

22. Is there a refund available for unused days on a rental agreement?:

Daily, weekly, and monthly rentals are not refundable. However, special cases may be studied further to resolve an agreement. Please contact us in such cases.

23. What if my rented car gets impounded?:

in case of the vehicle is impounded by the government authorities for any reason, the rental agreement will still be valid. However, you will be responsible for all the fines and tariffs on the car.

24. Is smoking allowed in Fast Track’s vehicles?:

Smoking is prohibited. Fast Track will charge you an amount of 1000 AED for smoking inside the car.